Practical Sanskrit

Because ... Culture Is Not Genetic

Come Curious -> Go Wise. | Simple Sanskrit -> Great Ideas. | Ancient Wisdom -> Modern Times

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About the creator

SHASHIKANT JOSHI - न च विद्या समो बन्धु - No friend like knowledge.


- MS, Computer Science, Univ of Minnesota, USA

- B.Tech., Computer Science, IIT Kharagpur

- Three decades of industry experience as technical domain expert.

- blog (over 4 million views)

- Facebook page (over 34,000 fans)

- Author - Attitude Shift - Sanskrit Maxims for Contemporary Life and Leadership

- Author - Hindu Prayer Book

- Former Editor - Tarang, Cultural Magazine, USA


Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times.

We can't go back in the past, but we can surely benefit from the wisdom of our ancestors.

Practical Approach

Meant for non-academics, conducted mainly in English, the focus is on the wisdom from the original sources, and Sanskrit is an added benefit.

Simple Sanskrit. Great Ideas.

Without scaring with complex Sanskrit constructs, it is possible to still benefit from great ideas!

Simple. Not Diluted.

There is a difference between simplifying and diluting. One breaks it down in easier chunks, the other simply breaks.

No mystery. Just Awe.

It is mystery only while you don't understand it. It is awe specially after you understand it.

Go at your pace.

There are live sessions that you can join if convenient for your time zone, else watch the video recording at your own pace.

For all ages.

With age, we prefer wisdom, to solve the issues of life. Working adults with life responsibilities and younger audience will find these equally useful.

What kind of works?

More courses will be added soon. From general life wisdom, to specific works on leadership, management, devotion, spirituality, parenting, relationships and married life.

Courses & packages

course | So, You Think You Know Your Ramayana? - Valmiki Ramayana Webinar Series

So, You Think You Know Your Ramayana? - Valmiki Ramayana Webinar Series

19 modules




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